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Peabody campus

SCRC Workshop: Oral History Interviewer Training

Saturday, March 28, 2020
1:00pm - 3:30pm
George Peabody Library

Adam J. Lewis and Michelle O'Brien of the NYC Trans Oral History Project will offer a beginner oral history interviewer training session.

Adam J. Lewis, a postdoctoral fellow in Gender, Women's, and Sexuality Studies at Grinnell College, and Michelle O'Brien, a doctoral candidate in sociology at New York University, will lead lead a workshop covering the practical nuts and bolts of the art of oral history interviewing. No prior experience is necessary.

A key reason why oral history has been valued by progressive historians and archivists is its accessibility as a method: it's a tool that doesn't support social justice movements and community-driven research.  

Sponsored by the Winston Tabb Special Collections Research Center in the Sheridan Libraries; the Program in Museums and Society; the Program for the Study of Women, Gender, and Sexuality; the Alexander Grass Humanities Institute; and LGBTQ Life.

Organized by Joseph Plaster, curator in public humanties at the Sheridan Libraries, with the assistance of Mo Speller in the Department of History. For additional information please contact Mo at mspelle2@jhu.edu.