Join us to celebrate 10 years of edible books at Read It & Eat It, the Sheridan Libraries' annual edible book festival. View and eat an incredible array of book-inspired desserts created by Johns Hopkins students, faculty, and staff. Vote for your faves in a variety of categories. Fun free raffles and other delightful surprises will occur throughout the event.
Register by March 26 to submit an edible book to the competition:
Win incredible prize packages by creating a dessert inspired by your favorite book.
You do not need to register to attend the event. All attendees may judge submissions via online ballot.
The Sheridan Libraries Edible Book Festival began in 2014 and is now a highly-anticipated Hopkins tradition. It is one of many such festivals that take place around the world on or around April 1 to celebrate books, art, food, and culture. In our festival, edible books are desserts inspired by literary titles, characters, or authors. Contestants are encouraged to combine word play with books, decoration, and ingredients.
The Winston Tabb Special Collections Research Center advances experimental and participatory research methods, public humanities scholarship, and collaborative approaches to knowledge creation that engage the distinctive collections and archives of the Sheridan Libraries & University Museums..