Artist and printmaker Nikita Yogaraj teaches the basic techniques of linocut block printing in this hands-on workshop at Homewood Museum. Linocut block printing is a relief print process that begins by carving designs into a piece of linoleum. This technique is useful for creating art prints, holiday cards, patterns on fabric, or zine making.
In this 2.5 hour workshop, Baltimore artist Nikita Yogaraj will guide participants through the process of designing, carving, inking and hand-printing their own block print. All skill levels welcome and no previous experience is needed. All supplies included, including tools for workshop use, and participants will take away their carved block design and up to 4 prints. Please note: This program will take place in Homewood's Wine Cellar, which is only accessible by stairs.
Tickets: $55-60. Space is limited. Advance online registration required.
Nikita Yogaraj (she/her) is a South Asian American artist and printmaker based on Baltimore, MD, specializing in hand-carved and printed limited edition linocut block prints with botanical themes. Her work uses typography as a form of visual art and graphical storytelling through multilayered textured work.