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JHU Love Data Week 2025: Whose Data Is It, Anyway?
For the fifth consecutive year, the Johns Hopkins Libraries will host a series of online events to mark Love Data Week, an international celebration of data highlighting topics, opportunities, and...
Monday, February 10, 2025
Friday, February 14, 2025
Love Data Week 25 Research Talk: Reproductive Justice and Open Information Access on Wikipedia
It can be hard to find accurate, up-to-date information about reproductive health and justice issues. Wikipedia is where people go when they want to answer a question without extensive research or...
Tuesday, Feb 11
10:00am - 11:00am
Love Data Week 25 Webinar: Motivating Research with Open Data
Students and researchers have benefitted tremendously from the advent of modern information technology architecture and recordkeeping. Organizations in the private and public sector are now amassing...
Tuesday, Feb 11
11:00am - 12:00pm
Love Data Week 25 Lightning Talks: AI & Data
Data pipeline for athletic performance optimization at JHU (Wong)
Machine learning and AI tools have made tremendous progress in computer vision tasks such as image segmentation, action localization,...
Tuesday, Feb 11
1:00pm - 2:00pm
Love Data Week 25 Roundtable Discussion: Data Ownership
This roundtable will discuss issues of ownership around data especially concerning how to collect data, what can and should be shared, and the rights of the subject of data collection to decide these...
Tuesday, Feb 11
2:00pm - 3:30pm
The History of “Fake News” from the Flood to the Apocalypse
In this five-session course, Stern Center Director Earle Havens will explore
specific examples of historical and literary forgeries from the biblical flood to the future apocalypse, drawing from the...
Tuesday, Feb 11
6:00pm - 8:00pm
Love Data Week 25 Webinar: Big Data in R: Larger-than-Memory Data Analysis with Arrow and DuckDB
Analyzing datasets that exceed your system’s memory can be a significant challenge, but the right tools can make it manageable. In this session, we'll explore how to use Apache Arrow—a...
Wednesday, Feb 12
10:00am - 11:00am
Love Data Week 25 Webinar: Licensing Options for Research Data & Software
This workshop covers the fundamentals of open licensing for data and software, providing practical guidance for researchers who want to make their work openly available. Participants will gain an...
Wednesday, Feb 12
11:00am - 12:00pm
Love Data Week 25 Roundtable Discussion: Using Someone Else’s Data: Benefits and Challenges
Data reuse benefits scholarship by reducing the amount of time required to produce data and by facilitating novel ways to use data, perhaps not foreseen by the original data creator. Given these...
Wednesday, Feb 12
2:00pm - 3:30pm
Love in the Time of Tarot
Folow Cupid's chariot to the Special Collections Reading Room and enjoy free love tarot readings courtesy of our staff mediums. 19th-century valentine greetings will also be on view to inspire you to...
Wednesday, Feb 12
6:00pm - 8:00pm
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